the crimson red siding stands
a vibrant contrast
to the lively and cared-for greenery.
the walls inside reverberate with Poppy’s snug laughter
and the consistent melodies of Gram’s hums.
the birds gather outside the sunroom,
rejoicing over the feed scooped by an eager hand,
guided by one with practiced wrinkles.
the old pine bends from years and years
and years
of youthful stampedes and clumsy dancing.
scents of blueberry muffins and gingerbread
stream through the window,
a breath of love and comfort
for the weeping willow that watches over.
only now,
the crimson is withered and dull.
the greenery is gray-ery
the laughter and melodies and aromas have ceased-
along with those who graced them,
the birds have starved and the sun has forever set.
the old pine no longer dances with those who once amused it.
and the weeping willow
no longer weeps
nor keeps,
only eternally sleeps.
everything is withered and dull.
if only the practiced and wise hands could restore
only they are no more.
if only i had two seconds more.
oh how i wish for two seconds more